Thursday, April 17, 2014

Luna moth

I hadn't seen one of these beautiful Lunar Moths since I was a little kid about 8 years old or so. The last time I saw these moths was on my grandmothers farm on a summer night at just about dark. There were so many of them flying around that night and they seemed to actually glow. Skylar had found this guy and had never seen a lunar moth before. She had heard me talk about them and only knew what it was by the color and size of him. If you see these moths take as many pictures of them as possible because you never know when you'll see another. 


  1. Gentleperson,
    The correct name is: Luna Moth...

    Thanks and good wishes,

    1. I stand corrected, David :) you know us Southerners, we don't always " speak " correctly lol :)
