Sunday, August 10, 2014

Healthy back to school snack

Looking for the perfect back to school snack for the kids? Here's a great recipe for even the pickiest of kids and a great idea to preserve your tomato harvest....if there's any left to save:)
Homemade sun-dried tomatoes!!!!!

I found this recipe the other day and even though I'm not a fan of tomatoes,unless they're in salsa or tomato sauce, I found that I was unable to stop eating them. 

This recipe is so simple it's a wonder I hadn't tried it before. 

All you need is:

Tomatoes (any amount you'd like )

Brown sugar

Olive oil ( I use homemade herb infused 
               Olive oil but any olive oil will do)

Sea salt

Dried hebs (optional)

Non stick baking or cookie sheets. 

Preheat oven to 225 degrees 

While the oven is heating, slice the tomatoes lengthwise. Place in single layers on the baking sheets. Once the tomatoes are on the sheets add salt to taste, drizzle the olive oil over the tomatoes, sprinkle with brown sugar and your dried herbs if using. 

Place in oven and bake for about 5 hours. check the tomatoes at 2 hours and flip the tomatoes over sprinkling with a little brown sugar as needed. 

At the 5 hour mark take the pans out. If done the tomatoes should be dried and slightly crunchy. If they still look a little on the juicy side you can put them back in for another hour or two but make sure bit to burn them. 

Once all the tomatoes are finished let cool about 5 minutes and serve or store in an air tight container or ziplock and freeze. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Been busy

I know I've been away from the blog for a little over a month now, but we've been pretty busy lately. Aside from working on the farm we have two other houses that we're trying to fix up so we can get them on the market to sell. As far as the farm goes the vegetables and trees are doing beautifully although we lost our avocado tree do to too much water last month. Our strawberries are pretty much finished for the year and our tomatoes are out of control with their production. The herbs are still doing very well and the mint has exploded and is growing faster than I can clip it back. We've produced the best tasting squash and have watermelons still on the vine. 

We also have two does that frequent the property, twitchy and peanut. Peanut likes to graze through the garden from time to time and just today I figured out why we hadn't seen much of twitchy in a while. Twitchy is a momma. I was watching some survailance video from our cameras and saw twitchy grazing through the front tree line and noticed something following her. Well at first I thought it was a smallish dog stalking her, the footage isn't that great, until she crossed our driveway and a few seconds later this cute little fawn jumps out of the tall grass plays in the driveway for a second or two and playfully runs off after twitchy. Sky and I decided that the new baby is to be called sprite since she seemed to be so playful.