Thursday, March 13, 2014

Learn something fascinating everyday : Honey Bees

As soon as I started making my raised vegetable boxes on the farm this year, I had a new curious little garden helper, a Honey Bee. This little Honey Bee would hang around close by watching me build the boxes and plant the veggie plants. After I'd finish a box and plant the veggies in that box he would go around to every plant checking them out but never really landed on them, not even the tomato plants that had open flowers on them. When he was done buzzing happily around me and my Vegetables he would leave and show back up the very next time I went out to do more planting, repeating the same little routine and always by himself.

I welcomed the little Honey Bee's attention just like I welcome the attention from Big Ben and any other little garden helpers that may come around. In a slightly off kilter way, the Honey bees' seemingly pleased approval made me feel like I was doing everything right in the garden.

Here are a couple of interesting facts that I have learned about the Honey Bee over the years.

How can you tell when your Honey bees are Happy?

Well according to some Bee Keepers, When the Honey Bees are happy they emanate a Lemon like scent throughout the hive and within close proximity to the hive. If the Bees are unhappy or angry they emanate a Banana like scent which aids as a warning before an attack on predators.

How is Honey classified?

Honey is classified by the flowers that the Bees pollinate most. If the honey at your local grocer is labeled clover honey, then the bees that made that honey primarily pollinated clover fields.
There are other types of Honey as well, like orange and apple blossom Honey where the bees primarily pollinated an orchard of either Orange or Apple trees. There is also what they call wildflower Honey which comes from the bees having a large array of wild flowers to pollinate from where one flower is not more prevalent than the others.

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