Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why a Farm?

We decided that a Farm was the only way to go. It's the only way to truly live, but there is actually a couple reasons for the farm. The first is that when you live on a farm in the country you have room to grow and your privacy and security, things you don't normally have in a subdivision. The other is because you can grow and raise whatever you want....we decided on fruit trees to start with. We figure if you grow fruits, veggies, and herbs whatever you can't eat, can, or freeze can be sold for a little extra money. Eventually we will be adding chickens to the farm for eggs only, again what we can't use or eat we can sell. The other reason for the farm is, put simply, I need to keep busy and get back to my roots. I also believe there is no better feeling than being able to grow and harvest your own food.

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